
A History of Violence

TAZ told me to see "A History of Violence" when we were talking about The Road and I admitted not knowing who Viggo Mortensen was.  So late one night . . .

I think TAZ is right when he says Mortensen is perfect for The Road.  A family man with tremendous power in reserve.  But why did all the Mafia guys in that movie have Irish names, and look Irish or not Italian anyway.  Strange.  I wouldn't say he was a brilliant actor who saved a mediocre script that didn't bother much to delve into motive or character development.  But he was very good, in a subdued way. 

I'm eager to see him in The Road, which opens today, somewhere.  Not here.  I think I may use McCarthy's novel in my fiction course next semester.  Three of my best students have been passing it around. I guess they're not put off by the religious talk and spiritual element?  Or did they miss it?