I read enough reviews to know it was bad but I liked Independence Day so much I thought, same director, How bad can it be?
Laughably bad. Just the acting, the plot, and the dialogue. Oh and the casting. And it was objectionable in a nostalgic sort of way - the old sexism: guys into the cockpit to make plans, women stay back to comfort the kids and make friends with each other.
Did they try to find the strangest, fakest Russian accents? And would the Chinese people really build the Arcs and then stay behind to die?
Special effects so heavy-handed -- how we see are twice made to see the name of the tumbling aircraft carrier as it turns over onto the capital building. OMG! The John F Kennedy. OMG!
Yet I enjoyed it. To sit in a theatre full of Americans, many with children, and watch an end of the world extravaganza. Again. Only, oh, it's not really the end because the tsanamis did not cover Africa, as we thought, so we can land there and start Europe all over again.
But it's moving, when the cry to "open the gates" spreads through the Arcs and with minutes left thousands are saved. And humanity's humanity is saved. I believed that part - enough to reverse imagine and enjoy a movie with well-chosen actors who we cared about delivering the well-written lines of a tight script.
Like Independence Day.
Eh is all I can say about this one. What do you think, TAZ? (or u2 busy getting ready for yr wedding?)