
The Number 23

Just watched this, procrastinating on grading essays. I usually don't like voice-over narration but endured it because I'd paid my 3 bucks already. Five stars for plot. I think you'd have liked it for that reason TAZ. Also there's a random bull dog with a key role in the plot. Pretty good actor too. And despite some gore an uplifting ending. He does the right thing, after doing the wrong and forgetting it. The main Jim Carey character devolves into paranoid superstition around the number 23. Then thanks to the love of a good woman -- a really lovely Virginia Madsen (is she ever not lovely and good?) -- he recovers.

Or does he? And does the film believe the numerology? Does the film care?  No. It's a message about the power of love to save us, even from a self we left so far behind we forgot it.

I remember you liked slapstick Carey, TAZ. As an actor in a serious role he's not bad, but when he plays the bad guy in the flashbacks here he's not so scary. And the explication is crammed into the last 1/5 of the film, too fast to keep track. (Ok, I was multi-tasking, but still.)

I'm giving this one a grade-inflated ***.  Wish you were still here my friend to tell us what you think. You really would have enjoyed the dog.