

Better than I thought it might be(just), this heavy-handed condemnation of homophobic Christians almost creates three likable and believable characters but kills them off too fast for us to care. A haggard and limping John Goodman is a relief but the script hobbles him further, with his final monologue embarassingly long-winded, irrelevant and borderline incoherent (and he somehow shows he knows that). So too is the jab at post 9-11 curtailment of civil liberties. And the preacher nutjob leader is so badly cast and acted there's little satisfaction in the fast that this homophobe is likely to live out his life as some guy's (or guys') bitch. Not no satisfaction mind you, but little.

It's scary, in parts. I'll give you that TAZ. But once I realized there was no way the flick was letting any of those 3 kids live the chase scenes lost their kick. Lots of bullets between the eyes, or thereabouts. Lots of multi-tasking on my part.

How can you call this the dopest TAZ? Must be a post-30 lowering of standards. All I can give it is two stars. Eh, with some stretches of abysmal and maybe a little not bad for Goodman and one of the "believers" who tries, with some semi-plausible acting, to save the kids.