

Netflix will be the death of me yet, or of my job anyway. I better cancel soon. But here's another Robots take over flick, with Bruce Willis figuring things out just before (or maybe just after, I didn't watch it yet), it's too late. Here I go.

I like the documentary style opening; summarizes and makes plausible the leaps--technological, social, even judicial--that made robot surrogates possible then commonplace.

Of course I think of I Robot, and Willis isn't Will Smith when it comes to charisma and stage presence, but let's see if the script lets him act because he can. I'm interested, enough. Doesn't take much when you're evading reality. As 99% of humanity is in this movie. Except for Luddite types who life in surrogate-free reservations.

Good job world building. Handy to get most of the exposition into the documentary opening.

Ok let me enjoy now....will get back to you around half time.

"Get ready to live your life without any risk or danger," the digital billboard says. Get ready for a living death. That's what I like about sci-fi - the instructive possibilities.

I-Robot looks superior to this because of the design of the robots - remember? The robots here wear human skin so except for a stiff gait and low-level mechanical sounds, they look like people. And I-Robot's cityscape was more futuristic. But enough with comparisons. I'll let this movie be what it is and see how it works on that level.

Nice plot complications. Now if they can just limit the chase scenes we might have a movie.

"It appears. at least for now, that we're on our own." Always a god way to end. And Bruce saved all the meatbags on the planet while also, in another way, saving humanity. Oh, and his wife. That was his real motive. All the rest was chase scene and filler.

Has a TV-movie feel, but a pretty good TV movie. Not bad, not bad at all.