They're not all men so why is it WatchMEN? And the one woman watcher is a sex object. ok ok...the overall movie.
Violence shut my eyes at least five times. More than The Wrestler. But with The Wrestler at least there was enough human interest for me to think, well this is worth it despite the being grossed out. Watchmen wasn't worth it. Why? For the very reason TAZ sites as a plus of horror movies - the bad acting. He says bad acting helps you not care about the horrors happening to the actors. Is that the idea here? But then what do you care about? The special effects were sub par.
I felt like the big blue guy. I didn't care about the humans enough to care that the earth was maybe going to be annihilated, because this handful of humans just were not human enough. They had problems and fears, desires and obsessions, but the actors just didn't pull it off. I get the feeling they pulled off something else, some recreation of the atmosphere of a graphic novel. So, I guess that part sort of worked. There was a dark, film noir feel. The mask on Rorshak was intriguing, as were his flashbacks. I couldn't stop watching the inkblot patterns. And the big blue mutant/enlightened-being guy was also visually riveting. But I just didn't care about the people. In Fantastic Four, for example, I did care. I liked that movie.
And while I'm complaining - I do believe I was the only one under 22 in the theatre. And I heard a lot of yawning. Maybe it's better at the iMax. Did you notice the heroes were all Euro-American, the bad guys mostly Asian and Black? What's up with that? Ozymandias could have been black instead of a blonde whiteguy. Makes sense since he's all into Egypt and Egypt is in Africa. Anyway. I may have more to say after seeing TAZ's take.
And the special effects did not impress me, except for the crystal palace on Mars. But then I had my eyes closed for any effects involving power saws and/or hatchets, so maybe I'm not the best judge. I know you'll agree with that TAZ.
my rating system *=abysmal **=eh ***=cool ****way cool *****excellent
In its genre (superhero) - *** cool
In general - ** eh-