
TAZ On Splinters

I enjoyed "Splinters" mainly for the special efffects and confusion factor what i mean by that is not knowing where the pariste came from, its just there and its trying to kill u so kill the damn thing. I didnt really conect with the characters at all thats why i enjoyed the amputation seen so much, part of the allure of horror movies is bad acting thats why u dont mind seeing them bite it(sometimes you cant wait wait), if I like u i want u to live and if u live then the movie sucks so i will take the bad acting for a good kill seen anyday besides with out bad acting in horror moves first a lot of the famous people we have now would never get to see them selves suck on screen first Kevin Bacon,Jonny Depp And then do something about it.

Ok back to "Splinters" I thought the acting was normal for a horror movie and enjoyed seeing them get out smarting by this simple parisite although i didnt like the fact that it seemed to get dumer as they got smarter. The movie also lost The scifi apeal that the previews pushed once i saw it,the freezing seen was priceless although over acted & the real star of the movie the pariste was classic i think the effects where handled perfectly with minimal computer graphics (CG, which sucks)if the monster looks like a disney Character how the hell is it scary anyway review time now follow me people im sorta a little more hood then my middle aged southern/midwestern partner But we do agree on good movies now my rating system *=Nah **=Aah ***=Aight ****Dope! *****Tha Dopest!

In Its Genre (horror)Aight
In General Aight