
Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Watching it again in prep for watching the latest one, which TAZ persuades me is worth watching sespite reviews I read that said it's all violence. Need to review the back story. I think this is my favorite of the 3 first ones. But wondering now - why is Miles Tyson, creator of SkyNet, which destroys the world as we know it, black? Any thoughts? We love comments.

Mom Connor may be my favorite heroine. Unrelently serious - playing it like the whole depends on her every decision. And it does. Only Sigourney Weaver can do fem-tough better, and they both fight out of compassion. Back to the movie...

Standout lines (from many): "The future, always so clear to me, had become like a black highway at night. We were in uncharted territory now, making up history as we went long."

Cyberdine Systems - what a good name for a villanous corporation.

The details are authentic, the character development pretty darn good given the % of screen time devoted to action, and the action is kick ass. Screen play A+. Hey, this may be the first flick I give my highest rating - Excellent. But let me watch to the end and decide then.

I'm glad Miles is willing to sacrifice his life's work. I guess having three billion in the balance makes a difference. But, you know, a lot of people wouldn't: wouldn't believe it, couldn't. Ambition would block their good sense. Pretty good acting, right?

41 minutes left...if it's all flight and fight they're not getting the four stars from me. Let's see.

35 mins left. Action, yeah, but within major plot suspense: will Miles blow the place, will they get away, and WHY DIDN'T THEY DESTROY THE FRIGGIN CYBER HAND AND CHIP while they had the chance? And - when will they have the chance? Then a complication - the liquid silver copguy arrives. Then the long choppr chase that makes me wonder what I'm doing wasting my time watching movies...but still we care about John and his mom.

I forgot about the liquid nitrogen (temporary) demise of copguy. Four stars four stars! Excellent. And what a great setting for the finale - a working steel plant.

Makes me want to move to California. Maybe he can terminate this terrible economy, too.